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Jessica Hische Manager

Cras vestibulum arcu sit amet erat accumsan vehicula. Curabitur aliquam sapien in posuere volutpat. Sed vinar elit sapien, non accumsan enim malesuada eu.

Giselle Hayes Farmer

Cras vestibulum arcu sit amet erat accumsan vehicula. Curabitur aliquam sapien in posuere volutpat. Sed vinar elit sapien, non accumsan enim malesuada eu.

Kim Crepea Designer

Cannado | \ ˌka-nä-ˈdō \ | noun

1: The embodiment of a lifestyle that harmoniously combines the values of cannabis culture and the universal concept of “do,” emphasizing wisdom, harmony, and the path to enlightenment.

2: An individual or entity that exemplifies the principles of “do” within the cannabis marketplace, renowned for their strategic prowess, ethical business practices, and holistic approach to industry challenges.

Cannado | \ ˌka-nä-ˈdō \ | verb

1: To practice business with the balance and focus of a martial artist, applying the principles of “do” in cannabis industry operations, signifying a methodical, disciplined approach to business strategy and execution.

2: To engage in the cannabis culture with a mindset of continuous improvement and ethical conduct, paralleling the journey of mastery found in martial arts, fostering a community of respect, learning, and growth.

Cannado | \ ˌka-nä-ˈdō \ | adverb

1: In a manner that reflects the principles of “do” within the cannabis industry, applying wisdom, balance, and strategic discipline to every action and decision.

Cannado | \ ˌka-nä-ˈdō \ | adjective

1: A harmonious fusion of cannabis culture and the philosophy of “do,” emphasizing relaxation, discipline, and peaceful conflict resolution, creating a unique lifestyle.

2: Reflecting a deep understanding of the cannabis trade’s dynamics, blending street-smart intuition with strategic foresight, embodying a fearless approach to thriving in a volatile business landscape following the principles of “do.”